Vanish with it!

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGT„Driving it is like I would be hovering among the clouds" – was praising after the test drive of the Furtive e GT EV Sabina Schmitt race car driver. It's not difficult to guess, what is she referring to with this.

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGT

If we have to do with an EV, namely with an electric powered vehicle, the whoosing isn't an unknown experience, not even at a lower speed. The motor sound is practically zero – just as the measure of the direct pollutant emission - , and if the quality of the road is also optimal, only the noise of the wind can cause some disharmony in the cloudlessness of the travel experience.

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGTExagon-Motors Furtive eGT

Lady Schmitt still mentioned repeatedly clouds in accordance with the Furtive eGT hammered together by the french Exagon Motors, and if we have a look at the more important datas truly reflecting the driving dynamics, it's not difficult to agree with her. The 4 – seater (actually rather a 2 + 2 – seater) sportscar reaches in 3,5 seconds the speed of 100 km/h from standing, the 400 HP is provided by two Siemens engines, the end speed is 250 km/h, which is abundantly enough for the road traffic. So we can literally vanish with it from anywhere in a flash, namely – supposing the grey coloured model available in the press gallery – we can get the effect of vanishing both for ourself and for the wondering overtaken people.

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGTExagon-Motors Furtive eGT

In connection with an electric car, mainly with a sportscar the range means the critical point, which in case of the Furtive can be said as really attractive. Even 360 km can be done with one charge, but even in case of proper, so of highway use we can also do 280 km with it. To whom even this isn't enough, he / she can switch on the range – extending internal combustion engine. The use of this may not necessarily cause a more serious environmental pollution, as in normal case it fulfills the recharge of the battery during the cruising, and so we can do entirely even an 800 km range with it, just with the use of 25 litres of petrol. This means quasi an avarage consumption of 3 litres; sounds quite good.

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGTExagon-Motors Furtive eGT

The manufacturer can hardly emphasize that the aim was to create such a modern car which possesses unique abilities and is appropriate for everyday use at the same time. These are ensured by the driving dynamics regulating, talkative named modes too: sport, standard, eco and city. Certainly we don't suppose that the place of such a vehicle is in city areas, but to the attention of the engineers refers that they help on with different solutions the harmony of proper dynamics, driving experience and energy efficiency in every situation.

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGTExagon-Motors Furtive eGT

According to the plans the Furtive eGT will already be available next year, and though it won't be a people's car, for the lovers of sporty types it could be a realistic alternative instead of the petrol – guzzling sportscars. And if it's true that till 150.000 km it's unnecessary to care for the engine, it's more than worth to choose this dynamic and inside and out elegant „vanishing – ace".

Exagon-Motors Furtive eGT

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