Electric Blue: like a light tear drop, that’s the electrical speed recorder

Electric BlueFrom the times immemorial the humans want to be more and more faster. Against others, against itself, against the offical records, they want to fly faster than the wind and the light...

This infection doesn't spare the engineers of the alternative vehicle industry, but the early attempts by the clearly electric drives didn't really care about the trifles, like the minimalization of the weight. In this industrial segment the high performance is exactly coupled with a big „difficulty", in point of the batteries anyway. Then came the Electric Blue, one of which feature is that it's able to reach endspeed of 280 km/h (and it can soon reach the value of 320 km/h) – it's nonetheless interesting, that it's done by a less than 0,5 ton weighted electric vehicle.

Electric Blue

How could it succeed to reach despite the diet such a high speed? The solution lies in the details, or rather in the development made in the field of the trifles, in the effort of the 130 students – mostly engineer students – of the Birgham Young University. Let's see how can it's Blue Majesty be light and speedy at the same time!

The special battery is made up from 880, severally nearly one meter long energy sticks, which are gathered up eight by eight, so appropiately 11 such kind of units are built in the front of the vehicle. The weight of the 160000 watts capable battery is altogether 72,5 kgs.

The form of the vehicle can be compared to a stretched teardrop, which has naturally outstanding – low – air resistance coefficients. But it's so, that if something is very light and very fast, then it stays rarely on the ground by itself. Here comes the role of the carbon framework, into which's channels the wind streams in, then it streams out in the rear, so it composes a virtual weight that keeps the recorder on the ground.

Electric Blue

It may be surprising, but the designers also saved weight with the brakes. The braking parachute is anyway a compulsory basic equipment by such kind of test vehicles, so only such braking efficiency safety units were fitted on the wheels, which weren’t able to stop the Electric Blue by itself, but they are just enough to supplement the braking parachute.

Though the light „teardrop” is at the first sight nothing else just a funny attempt during the fight with the physical elements, the work of the researchers can give several creative ideas for the development of the serial produced alternatively driven vehicles.

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