Sony developes an intelligent socket

Sony Smart Energy SolutionThe developers of the Japanese company giant are working on high-tech charging points - sockets. There's no doubt, it's time for development, as the whole world is using the same technology for a half century.

On the premiére of the prototype Taro Tadanó, the leader of the technological development department of Sony, disclosed about the sockets of the future, that they will be able to follow up the current consumption of the connected devices, moreover they will be able to communicate with each other. From this follows several useful results.

Sony Smart Energy Solution

Through the innovation it would be possible not just to optimalize the current consumption of bigger buildings, office blocks – which would be a serious improvement in field of the energy efficiency – but the time of the bill capable sockets would be come. By the affect of this the everyday user can also get to power with a high chance in such places, where till this time the owner of the service providing unit (e.g. a café, a restaurant, or an airport waiting room) hasn't ensured opportunity for this, because the owner was afraid of the monthly current cheuque. Soon the consumed electricity can be the part of the bill beside the drink or the coffee.

Sony Smart Energy Solution

The new devices can enrich their owners during the domestic current consumption with useful information, as it will be easy to read the daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly consumption of the different devices. Hereby it can be cleared up, how much does their operation cost.

The chip-technology planned to be used by the intelligent sockets is already in use by millions in Japan in case of the mobile payments – so the future is nearing us dynamicly.

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