Green luxury, in blue

Lexus IF-LC blue conceptIn connection with the brand name of Lexus the high – quality interior strucks us. Though the current piece sweeps already with it's exterior. It may do it a little bit more than it should.

Lexus IF-LC blue concept

There are car models, in case of which it's hardly worth / possible choosing another colour than that the manufacturer recommends. As the Ferrari is in fiery red the real, the hybrid concept car of Lexus possessing the name of LF – LC Blue unsurprisingly travels – together with all of it's passangers – in blue. Not even in an any kind: the colour was inspirated by an opal semi – precious stone traceable in Australian regions, and the final result has became really attractive.

Lexus IF-LC blue conceptLexus IF-LC logoLexus IF-LC blue concept

The world of form is also a creative combination of the characteristics of the presitge category: there's momentum and elegance in it, it's a dominant, majestic and though character at the same time. It couldn't deny that they've thought on the younger members of the richer stratum during the drawing of the lines. The aluminium and carbon fiber body parts compose a harmonic unity with the big glass surface, we may find only the form of the front strange. Partially therefore because there's particularly no place for the registration number – except if we stick a symbolic decal on the hood -, on the other hand God bless that pedestrian who is hit with the least speed by this literally sweeping beak. Don't gloss over: it's not ugly, though the front of it's Bluesty isn't that practical.

Lexus IF-LC blue concept

There's nothing surprising inside, we could say, as everywhere welcomes us leather and velours. The steering wheel equipped with a start button possesses some racing car effect, and the three – layered dashboard mixing analog and LED solutions sounds strange in turn, but we should see it live, because from certain angles the shown result may be even surprising. We could already see in the interior of the Tesla S a full touchscreen middle console which is rendered here with an optionally appearing, also touchscreen keyboard more practical.

Lexus IF-LC blue conceptLexus IF-LC blue concept

The wonder car is powered by an Atkinson cycle internal combustion engine which has in basic case in the interest of the more efficient useage of fuel a more discreet torque and performance. Though combining the in advance strong internal combustion engine of Lexus with the high energy efficiency, but feeded by the small – sized battery electric drive, we get a 500 HP strong performance. So the final result is that green that it guarantees in between – also – in any other viewpoints luxury.

Lexus IF-LC blue concept

The price of the upcoming serial model is still moving in the unknown range, but if it's nose will be licked into shape, a marketable ware can become of it – of course in circle of the members of the proper target group.

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